Ad Guru of Nepal

35+ Years in Advertising

Nirmal Raj Poudel

Chairman of Welcome Group

Vision & strategy develop

No matter how great the idea trapped inside your head is, its realization depends on your ability to take action. I’ll help you develop your vision.

Consultancy & advicing

Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend, coaches work people helping them define and achieve their.

leadership coaching

Identifying your zone of brilliance as a leader Developing what makes you indispensable to your clients and your organization.

Request a free coaching session.

I’ve got the energy and experience to help you pursue them. If you are ready to start taking decisive action, let’s chat.

Revolutionizing the Creative Landscape and Advocating for Nepal's Cultural Heritage

Honored with the title of ‘Ad Guru of Nepal’, Nirmal Raj Poudel has been extensively involved in the creative, direction, and production aspects of over 500+ Nepali Television Commercials. His remarkable professional and social contributions have earned him numerous national and international awards and accolades. Notably, Nirmal Raj Poudel played a leading role in spearheading the national-level campaign “Lord Buddha was born in Nepal,” initiated by Admire Nepal, which culminated in the submission of a petition with 1 million signatures to the United Nations.

A Journey Through Engaging Articles

Immerse yourself in a collection of personally crafted articles, meticulously penned by a passionate author. Explore Captivating narratives and thought-provoking reflections.

I have a many funfacts for the best works.

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Brand Launches
Captivating Portfolio of Creative Works

A visionary artist whose creative works transcend boundaries. Experience the captivating beauty and artistic mastery showcased in his diverse collection of inspiring creations.